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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes mm/dd/yyyy
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of June 5, 2007
Senior Center Conference Room
Present: Mark Berry, Chairman; Moe Barocas, Lynn Hiller, Julia Willecke         

Absent: Emily Beebe
Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Paul Gabriel and Paul Millet of Environmental Partners Group were present to discuss water tank placement options.  The computer visualizations developed from the May 2007 balloon tests were displayed.  Paul Millet discussed views of the two sites that were depicted at nearly 360 degree positions on the poster.  He said the site closest to the water main is the more desirable location.  He compared visibility issues for both locations.

Berry asked about cost differences between the Laurence Road site and the Old King’s Highway site.  Hiller asked about maintenance drainage plans for the tanks.  Millet said there are necessary 5 to 10 year inspections where the tank would need to be drained.  Millet also explained gradual methods of draining to avoid flooding.  

Millet summarized by saying the Laurence Rd. site was more desirable from an engineering point of view.  Millet discussed access roads into either site.  Berry asked about an engineered plan for the Laurence Rd. site behind the ball field.  Millet said he’d like the site decision by mid-July.  Millet and Gabriel said they would be available for a hearing on the site.  EPG could also provide a power point presentation if the BWC desires one for the public hearing to be held Wednesday, June 27, 2007.

The status of the questionnaire was examined.  The BWC wants to meet with the Board of Health before finalizing the questions.  The logistics of mailing out the survey and processing the results were considered.

The BWC discussed increased capacity and demand in the Central District.  Berry said Phase 5 is intended to create a foundation for greater water connections.  Millet and Gabriel also addressed a number of topics including: water testing, desalination, water cycles, wetlands, the aquifer quality, and a shared water system with Eastham.

After Millet and Gabriel left, the BWC discussed maintenance of the current water system.  

Berry moved to approve the minutes of May 15, 2007.  Hiller seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

The Board reviewed and revised its priorities list which had last been considered in January.  

Lyn Hiller reported on her investigation of use of chemical pesticides on lawns.  She had gathered material from several towns, ChemLawn (now called TruGreen), Scots Lawn, and Green Cape.  With the exception of Barnstable, Cape towns do not have restrictions or laws on chemical usage for lawns.  Barnstable’s zoning bylaws deal with application and storage of pesticides.  Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in fertilizers are the chemicals of concern.
Green Cape had printed suggestions for creating a good lawn without chemicals.  

Barocas discussed the BWC’s potential role in education or regulation of chemical usage on lawns.  Hiller suggested creating a brochure on good practices for lawn care.  Berry said the Oyster Festival would be a likely time to distribute a Wellfleet brochure.  Hiller and Willecke will work on a draft brochure.  

Barocas moved to adjourn.  Berry seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Mark Berry, Chairman
